Ashley Simpson
Recently on the news there have been many stories about hackers. According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary the definition of a hacker is a person who illegally gains access to and sometimes tampers with information in a computer system. Hacking can cause many problems for individuals and businesses. They can ruin a person with just the push of a button. A hacker can be anyone from a computer professional to a teenager in his basement. They can be loners or very outgoing socially. For most hackers hacking is like a puzzle to them. When they are able to hack into a computer system and retrieve personal information they get a feeling of accomplishment and power. These people that invade our privacy not only do it just to prove they can, they also do it to make money. Hackers are able to steal millions of dollars every year for innocent people.
There are many types of hackers. One type of a hacker is pranksters. These individuals invade computer systems just to cause mischief and aggravation. Another type of hacker is fame seekers. The fame seekers main goal is to get attention and fame. They mainly target larger internet companies such as Yahoo and eBay. Hackers they are looking for money are considered criminal hackers. Their only goal is to make and steal money from a single person, banks, or businesses.
One story about a hacker I read by Kevin Poulsen talks about a hacker gaining access to T-Mobile. A twenty year old man was able to hack into the secret services email, retrieve passwords, social security numbers, and also get celebrities personal photographs (Poulsen). Nicholas Jacobson, the man charged with this crime was selling T-Mobile customers personal to identity thieves. Thousands of people were invaded by Jacobson and he still has yet to be punished for his crime.
A story that was in the Lexington news talked about a hacker changing the words on a construction sign. These hackers are not doing this for the money; it’s just a prank they do to prove that it can be done. “Hackers changed the road construction sign on Versailles Rd, near new circle to warn motorist of the walking dead” (WKYT). The construction messaged was erased and a warning about zombies replaced it. Gabriel Roxas the reporter for WKYT news stated the sign was changed to cause a panic. Most people realized it was a joke and don’t believe the zombies are real. The problem is being taken care of by the construction companies by placing locks on the message boards. The person responsible for this hack job has not been caught, but according to the article the person responsible can face steep fines and jail time (WKYT).
Hacking is a crime that is growing daily. People’s lives are being destroyed by these criminals just for the fun of it. When they solve the puzzle and gain control of computer systems they do not take in to consideration of the damage they are causing. Whether they are doing it for a prank or for the money it affects someone in some way. Hacking is a problem that may never be solved.
Works Cited
"Hacker - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary." Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online. Web. 20 Aug. 2011.
"Hacker Penetrates T-Mobile Systems." SecurityFocus. Web. 21 Aug. 2011.
"Who Are Hackers Are Why Do They Hack? Read on for a Look into the Psychology Behind Hacking." Find Science & Technology Articles, Education Lesson Plans, Tech Tips, Computer Hardware & Software Reviews, News and More at Bright Hub. Web. 21 Aug. 2011.
"Zombie Warning Is No Laughing Matter." WKYT - Home. Web. 21 Aug. 2011.
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