Wednesday, September 14, 2011



Think you have what it takes to be on the drug called Adderall? Think again, Adderall is a central nervous system stimulant that affects the chemicals in the brain and nerves. Adderall is a drug that if used for the right reason in the right way can be very helpful. The risk and advantages of Adderall should be considered before starting the drug. Many people take Adderall for different reasons, some to help them and others to abuse it. The subject of Adderall is an important one for parents and students. When a child is diagnosed with ADHD they are prescribed Adderall to relieve their symptoms, but for young adults Adderall can be addictive and dangerous.
The main reason I chose to research and inform others on Adderall is because my family was faced with the decision on how to treat my brothers diagnosis of ADHD. He was diagnosed after his first grade teacher recommended he be checked for ADHD. The doctor wanted to prescribe Adderall but my parents were against it. After his first grade year he calmed down and was a much better student. My parents were so thankful that they went with their gut instinct to not medicate with Adderall. If they had chosen to use the medication he would more than likely still be on the drug. I am not saying Adderall is a bad drug because I am sure there are cases when children need it, but the doctor and the family really need to be certain that it is necessary.
The purpose of Adderall was originally intended to help those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. Adderall is used to help people who have hyperactivity, paying attention, focusing, and controlling their behavior. Narcolepsy is a condition that maintains falling asleep uncontrollably and at unusual times. The amphetamine in the drug causes the uses to concentrate, relax, and focus. Some other uses of Adderall are weight control and depression.(Silverman, 28) If taking Adderall for weight reasons, you can only use it for a short period of time. The medication has been known to rapidly relieve symptoms of depression. One must be careful if using Adderall to treat depression because depression has been listed as a side effect in some people.
“There are many reasons why Adderall is abused. One of the main reasons is just to simply get high“(Monson). Adderall can increase alertness, attention, and energy. Many students who do not have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) abuse Adderall, they feel that it helps them perform better in school. Adderall is becoming more popular in colleges to be used as a study aid. This is the beginning of many students who do not have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to become addicted to and depend on Adderall, which causes them to abuse it when it is not needed.
If Aderall is taken the right way, and only by those who truly need it, it can be very helpful. It is a very helpful drug for children who have ADHD. It can greatly improve their lives, helping them with concentration and staying focused. As with all drugs the benefits and the risks need to be addressed and really thought about before the drug is prescribed.

Works Cited

Hartmann, Thom. Thom Hartmann's Complete Guide to ADHD: Help for Your Family at Home, School, and Work. Grass Valley, CA: Underwood, 2000. Print.

Monson, PharmD, Kristi. "Adderall Abuse." ADHD Home Page. 2 Feb. 2007. Web. 14 Sept. 2011. .

"NIMH · Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)." NIMH · Home. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 2008. Web. 14 Sept. 2011. .

Silverman, Harold M. "Adderall." The Pill Book. New York: Bantam, 2006. 28. Print.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Response #5

Education and Money

After reading your article “Education and the Structural Crisis of Capital”, I have to agree with you that education has become a capitalist business. Education, public or private, should have no part in capitalism. No one should get rich off of a child’s education. Education in the United States does need some major reconstruction. We need to focus more on the child and less on the profit. Children need to gain knowledge and learn all they can in school. It is the right of every person in America to have the chance to better their future.

In your article you state that “the giant corporations that dominate today’s economic world are compelled to search for new markets for investment, outside their traditional fields of operation, leading to the takeover and privatization of key elements of the state economy”. I believe that you are meaning schools when you say new markets. I think that is terrible. Where do big wigs get off making a profit on something that should be provided free to every person? Making education capitalist will lead to education being competitive based on income. The more money a family has the better education the child will receive. That leaves low and middle class children behind, with less of a chance to make a good income later in life.

Another point you make in the article is that students from working class families that eventually will work in working class occupations, are taught “rule following behaviors”. If a child is from an upper class family they are taught to “internalize the values of the society”. Kids’ education should not be based on the amount of money a family has. Every child deserves the opportunity to learn the same things, including rules and behaviors. You also talked about the fact that schools teach mostly behavior modification, instead of knowledge and skills. I never really thought about it until I read your article, but that statement is so true. I have a brother in the sixth grade that is learning things that I learned in fourth and fifth grade. A lot of emphasis is placed on behavior. If a child acts out they can lose their rewards card and not get to participate in school activities. When I was in elementary and middle school we didn’t have rewards cards. If we acted up we got in trouble, not just keep from enjoying a dance or field trip.

Education should not be based on how much money a family has. Rich children should not have a better education. Every child deserves the right to have a good paying job when they graduate. After reading your article I really feel that education has become a capitalist business. Education should be free to everyone. Curriculum in private and public schools should be the same so that every child learns the same information. Children need to be taught how to behave, but they also need to learn skills and information. In order to better education we need to focus less on money and more in the child.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Response #4

Reforming Education
How do we educate our children to prepare them for their place in the economy and for cultural identity(Robinson)? The children of today are leaders of tomorrow. We as a society must raise and teach our kids so they can take over someday. As times change so does our children and the way they need to be taught. In order for teachers to teach our children in the proper way education needs to be reformed. The question is, how do we do this?
According to the video "Changing Education Paradigms" by Sir Ken Robinson we are trying to meet the future by doing what was done in the past. In the past kids and parents didn't see the point in children going to school. They felt it was a waste of time and pointless because supporting the family by farming and hunting was more important for boys to learn. For girls raising a family and taking care of a home was more important then reading and writing. As times has changed children were taught that if they did good in school they could go on to college and get a high paying job. Now children don't believe that according to Robinson, because college doesn't guarantee a job.
Public schools was a great idea. It enabled all children to receive an education. In public schools children advance according to age. This I feel is one way public schools should be reformed. Children learn and different level and means. Some children learn faster then others, and some learn slower then others. I think that children should advance through school according to their learning not their age. I, like Robinson, feel that certain tasks should be mastered before a child can move to the next grade. This would allow the student the time they need to master a subject. If a student is having trouble then they could receive the extra help and if a student is more advance they could go on and be challenged. If a child knows the information being taught they are more likely to act up or cause trouble because they are bored.
In the article "caring in education" by Nel Noddings he states that "it is sometimes said that 'all teachers care.'" The definition of caring teachers could mean two different things. There are the teachers who push you hard to do your work and want you to learn, and then there are those teaches who are more laid back and don't push you to your potential. I think with more students in a classroom it makes the student feel like they are not getting enough attention from the teacher, which can cause them to think the teacher is "tough".
There is no doubt that education needs to be reformed. So many children feel that education is not important. They feel this way because even with a college degree jobs are scarce. In order to changes children's views on education teaching strategies need to change. With so many electonic devices such as iPods, video games, iPhones and computers children attention span in school is shortened. They need more stimulation in school from the teacher. They need new ways of learning, and ways to keep them focused and motivated. If children of today are to be our leaders we need to make sure they are prepared.

Response #3

Depressed People

The year is 2011, but by looking at the economy you would think we were back in the 1930's. America is the land of opportunity, but watching the news lately it seems to be the land of disappointment and heartache. For the last three to four years it seems like things are getting worse and worse for the average american.
In the book "Someplace like America" Dale Maharidge compares the Great Depression to the way things are now. Maharidge states that "officials brag that another Great Depression has been avoided", but Maharidge wants to know "what has been done for workers and low income Americans." He also states that "rapids appear to lie in wait in the economic river ahead of us." Like Dale Maharidge, I don't think the term Great Depressions means anything to the thousands of people who have lost their jobs or took a pay out to keep their jobs.
Someplace like America tells many stories of everyday normal people falling on hard times due to the economy. There are stories of couples losing their homes and being forced to relocate to find work. Women who are working two and three jobs just to care for their children, and families spending their savings to pay for medical bills because insurance wont cover all expenses. Reading all of these stories is very hard. It breaks my heart to hear these stories knowing that is only a small percentage of the people who are struggling to make ends meet. I think the story that impacted me the most was the story about the tree people. How could a community that is so rich and blessed be so mean and hard on those down on their luck. The so called "tree people" are not living on the streets by choice. I am sure if they could they would choose to live in a nice, big house with a big income to match. Instead of trying to hurt these people they should be trying to help them.
While reading the book I realize that these stories are true. I have a cousin who is married and has two children. She was a homemaker and he was a construction worker. As the economy fell he lost his job. At first he took a pay cut to keep his job, then his hours were cut and eventually he lost his job. They had a beautiful home, nice cars and went on nice vacations every year. Things got so bad that they lost their home and cars. They had to move in with her mother, my aunt, and are still there today. He looks for work everyday with no luck. Thank God they had family to fall back on.
We have fallen on hard times and have been suffering for years now. It has taken years to get us here and it will take us years to recover(someplace). The struggling economy is a problem to everyone. We are going to have to work together to build america back up. We must pull together and help one another. If someone is struggling we must reach out a hand to help them. America is the land of opportunity and we must work to return to that motto.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Response #2

Paint Mine
Pink, purple, blue, red, green, and orange. Do colors have a certain gender side they have to be on? There are many children and boys who have a favorite color to be pink. Many children just go through a phase. But when I see a high school football team wearing pink for Breast Cancer Awarness Month I give them respect. Too many people in this world judge quickly on others.
When I hear stories like "my son wanted his nails painted", or "my son wanted to wear make-up around the house" I think it is fine to let them do that. If you are a stay at home mom, your child will end up getting into your daily routine or habits. For most kids it is just a simple phase they are going through. On NBC Today Cheryl Kilodavis, and her five year old son Dyson talk about how he dresses up in tutus and sparkles. Dyson calls himself a Princess Boy. "This is clothing, this is attire and children at a very young age studies show that one of the first independent things that they feel proud of and get self confidence from is selecting their clothes"(Cheryl Kilodavis). She may agree to let her son go out in public dressing the way he does, but if it were my son I would only allow it around the house.
In the article Make-up and Hot Pink Toenails- Not Just a Girl Thing it states "a high school football player is kicked off the field for wearing pink cleats during Breast Cancer Awarness Month"(Klein). I personally think that it is wrong to do that . If a guy wants to support for breast cancer, then let them. They may have a family member who is battling, survived, or lost their battle to breast cancer. There are a lot of men who stand behind those with breast cancer, Marc Heyison being one. "Men are incredible caregivers when given the opportunity. But they are undeserved in education about support"(Heyison). There are too many people who are out there judging others when they don't know what that person may be going through.
I have a three year old nephew named Brenson. He come to me on occasion when I am painting my nails saying "paint mine". I wouldn't paint them any bright color or even his entire finger nails. The only time I do them all is it it is a clear coat, but he just laughs it off. He also has a tendency to get in my closet and get my high heels and walk around in them. Another thing he loves is baby dolls. Many people don't let their kids play with baby dolls but when he plays with one he treats it like his own child. He understands what is for girls and what is for boys.
Overall I think many people should not judge on what a child or boy does or wears. Be careful what you say or do to them. It can hurt them emotionally in the long run. Let the kids be kids, and let the boys support others. For myself I think the colors can be used on either gender.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Response #1

Ashley Simpson


Recently on the news there have been many stories about hackers. According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary the definition of a hacker is a person who illegally gains access to and sometimes tampers with information in a computer system. Hacking can cause many problems for individuals and businesses. They can ruin a person with just the push of a button. A hacker can be anyone from a computer professional to a teenager in his basement. They can be loners or very outgoing socially. For most hackers hacking is like a puzzle to them. When they are able to hack into a computer system and retrieve personal information they get a feeling of accomplishment and power. These people that invade our privacy not only do it just to prove they can, they also do it to make money. Hackers are able to steal millions of dollars every year for innocent people.

There are many types of hackers. One type of a hacker is pranksters. These individuals invade computer systems just to cause mischief and aggravation. Another type of hacker is fame seekers. The fame seekers main goal is to get attention and fame. They mainly target larger internet companies such as Yahoo and eBay. Hackers they are looking for money are considered criminal hackers. Their only goal is to make and steal money from a single person, banks, or businesses.

One story about a hacker I read by Kevin Poulsen talks about a hacker gaining access to T-Mobile. A twenty year old man was able to hack into the secret services email, retrieve passwords, social security numbers, and also get celebrities personal photographs (Poulsen). Nicholas Jacobson, the man charged with this crime was selling T-Mobile customers personal to identity thieves. Thousands of people were invaded by Jacobson and he still has yet to be punished for his crime.

A story that was in the Lexington news talked about a hacker changing the words on a construction sign. These hackers are not doing this for the money; it’s just a prank they do to prove that it can be done. “Hackers changed the road construction sign on Versailles Rd, near new circle to warn motorist of the walking dead” (WKYT). The construction messaged was erased and a warning about zombies replaced it. Gabriel Roxas the reporter for WKYT news stated the sign was changed to cause a panic. Most people realized it was a joke and don’t believe the zombies are real. The problem is being taken care of by the construction companies by placing locks on the message boards. The person responsible for this hack job has not been caught, but according to the article the person responsible can face steep fines and jail time (WKYT).

Hacking is a crime that is growing daily. People’s lives are being destroyed by these criminals just for the fun of it. When they solve the puzzle and gain control of computer systems they do not take in to consideration of the damage they are causing. Whether they are doing it for a prank or for the money it affects someone in some way. Hacking is a problem that may never be solved.

Works Cited

"Hacker - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary." Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online. Web. 20 Aug. 2011. .

"Hacker Penetrates T-Mobile Systems." SecurityFocus. Web. 21 Aug. 2011. .

"Who Are Hackers Are Why Do They Hack? Read on for a Look into the Psychology Behind Hacking." Find Science & Technology Articles, Education Lesson Plans, Tech Tips, Computer Hardware & Software Reviews, News and More at Bright Hub. Web. 21 Aug. 2011. .

"Zombie Warning Is No Laughing Matter." WKYT - Home. Web. 21 Aug. 2011. .